• paralell

  • paralell

  • directionTop

  • cubeStop

  • cubeSize


King 99 Surgical Instruments. development of products and techniques focuses on specializing customer needs and the customer’s ultimate satisfaction. Through customers centered thinking, Surgi King Trading regards its customers as partners, and through this partnership becoming a world class organization. Utilizing the best in human resources and cutting edge techniques, we strive to provide the best products and services to become “the business of the pursuit of humanhealth and happiness”, are the principle in which Surgi King Trading places are higher value.

KSI - EFP - 101
KSI - MCP - 104
KSI - MPN - 107
KSI - DIG - 104
KSI - DIG - 111
KSI - MBS - 104
KSI - HW - 102
KSI - VEL - 101
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